This ballet was created in 1997 by Maurice Béjart, and continues to be as relevant as ever, spanning the ages and generations of dancers and audiences. Béjart‘s daring fusion of the worlds of Queen, Mozart and Gianni Versace creates a striking ballet that explores universal themes such as life, love and death. The ballet is a vibrant tribute to two figures who died too young, Freddie Mercury and Jorge Donn, but it is also an implicit tribute to Gianni Versace, who was tragically murdered a year after the ballet was created, reflecting the fragility and beauty of existence.
The 1,600 spectators who attended this unforgettable evening gave the dancers a standing ovation, impressed by this creation’s strength and beauty. Directed by Julien Favreau, who played the role of Freddie Mercury at the premiere, the company and its soloists Oscar Eduardo Chacón and Elisabet Ros performed this timeless ballet brilliantly and vigorously, combining contemporary energy with a faithful commitment to Maurice Béjart‘s vision.
This December 19, the Béjart Ballet Lausanne will offer a special performance for schoolchildren, to introduce this unique work to a younger audience, and awaken their sensitivity to dance and Béjart‘s art.
All the shows are already sold out until December 20, so this series promises to be an unforgettable experience for dance enthusiasts and company regulars. Once again, the Béjart Ballet Lausanne confirms its pre-eminent status on the international dance scene, seducing audiences with performances of outstanding intensity and striking beauty.
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