Le Concours
Maurice Béjart

A Murder – Six suspects – A Riddle

The set: a great international competition in the dance world – New York, Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, Varna, Lausanne – and the peculiar atmosphere that surrounds these challenges.

The participants, the jury, the professors, the fans, the parents… And suddenly, while the competition takes its marks, a murder. A young dancer, Ada, is assassinated. Little by little, while the investigation takes place, the personality of the victim raises some questions among the detectives – until the final scene where we discover the answer to the question ‘Who killed…?’

Six characters are under suspicion. Six human beings who, at least once in their lifetime, had wanted Ada dead:

  • La Brambilla, her mother, ex-prima ballerina, who leads a miserable life of solitude and madness retired in a seaside villa. She wanted a son, Ada was born… She hates her, and will go as far as stating: “If she dances, I’ll kill her!”
  • Miss Maud, her dance teacher in London who, having dedicated herself to making a great dancer out of Ada, cannot forgive her for having left everything behind in order to follow a young boy.
  • This very boy, Ivy, a jealous and gloomy lover
  • Michael, a television show host and choreographer, whom pretentious as a playboy, she had publicly ridiculed.
  • Grand Magic Pat, a countryside magician who had had Ada as his assistant for a while
  • Angel Ben, a showbiz celebrity, she participated in his shows in order to earn some money for her dance lessons, because her will to participate and win the competition had never really left Ada’s mind.

The detective in charge questions everybody… and it is Ada herself, ghostlike as we can see in so many classical ballets, who will wander at night on the crime scene and recollect the facts for him.

Maurice Béjart

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